Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Big time

Growth, that is. I've been on the road for a couple of weeks, and after arriving back, stopped in at the garden on Monday. Wow. Things are getting big, and looking fabulous! Thank you!

There are a few things that need to be gathered and distributed before it's too late -- some broccoli in bed 14S, and most lettuces/greens, and cabbage. There may be more I didn't notice or don't know about. Please be sure to check your plot and harvest anything that's ready.

Next week on Tuesday the 12th, a group of teens will be helping in the garden as part of a SHOUT! program encouraging youth leadership and citizenship. And please plan to join us in the garden on June 24 (Sunday) at 6 p.m. to hear from Master Gardener Phil Ramey, and to hang out with your fellow gardeners.

Here are some pics I snapped on Monday. Take note of the fifth one -- this is a WEED called spiny amaranth. Wear your gloves and get it out of your bed(s) before it goes to seed -- it's a nasty one.

This guy is the enemy. Wear gloves to get it out of your bed before it gets too big and goes to seed.

Happy day!

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