Monday, February 13, 2012

Recycling more!

I don't think I'm the only one who didn't realize that Kingsport is doing more recycling than before. One of my running buddies told me Saturday that he'd seen an instructional video on Channel 16 (I think?) talking about the new items our city recycling pickup will take -- now they are picking up cardboard and plastics Nos. 1 through 7. I have been collected cardboard in our garage to drop off at one of the local spots for that -- now maybe I won't have to anymore!

Here's the link to the City's Recycling Collection page. Word is, too, that later this year we might get bigger recycling bins that are more like our big trash cans, so that the men and women picking up will collect our recycling using a truck with a mechanized arm, instead of having to get out and sort.

Here's the info I copied and pasted from the link (included above).

Recycling Collection

Size of Service Area: 46.94 square miles
Population Served: 44,905
Number of Households Served: 20,125
Frequency: Weekly

Since the beginning of Kingsport's recycling program, we have picked up more than five million pounds of recyclable material. This has helped to make newspapers, grocery bags, cardboard, fiber for carpets, Spic & Span containers, Proctor & Gamble products, plastic lumber, glass containers, aluminum cans, steel products and industrial heating oil. Way to go Kingsport! Your recycling will be picked up on the same day as your garbage. Check the Friday's FYI section in the Kingsport Times-News for the locations of local drop off centers.

Items recycled:

Newspaper and Inserts
Junk Mail
Phone Books
Shredded Paper
Home Office Paper Products (fax sheets, typing paper, receipts, envelopes)
Tin and Aluminum Cans
Plastics with #1 through #7 Recycling Logos on the Bottom
Glass Food and Beverage Containers
Used Motor Oil

The City does not pick up plastic bags, plastic wrap or plastic containers containing automotive products or hazardous materials.

We ask that you please break down all cardboard so that it is small enough to fit in the recycling bins.

Please rinse containers and remove lids before placing in the bin.

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